NGOs believe the following commitments are vital to the success of Busan and urge EU MSs to ensure they are addressed in future drafts and the final text:

• Full reaffirmation of the Paris and Accra commitments by a specific deadline, together with continued monitoring of their implementation
• BOD2’s commitments on untying and medium term predictability
• Support ambitious and concrete commitments on use of country systems, including to improve the effectiveness of and scale-up budget support
• Identify basic standards for mutual accountability processes to meet
• Explore opportunities for new and improved global monitoring indicators
• A more comprehensive approach to a cleary defined development effectiveness, respecting policy coherence for development and making commitments on a civil society enabling environment non-negotiable
• Gender equality featured strongly as a principle, actionable priority area of focus and horizontal issue throughout all the Busan document
• Ambitious and concrete standards for the private sector to implement and report on
• A clear definition of what results and impact means
• Reaffirmation of the EU’s aid commitments; support for providing additional finance for addressing the challenges of climate change