English Reading Material on Development and Sustainability

As an internationally networked umbrella organisation of non-governmental development organisations, Global Responsibility also publishes articles in English.

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Briefingpapier (DE/EN)

Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in der EZA & Humanitären Hilfe

© Globale Verantwortung

Menschen mit Behinderungen machen in etwa 16% der Weltbevölkerung aus, von ihnen sind mindestens 41 Millionen von globalen Krisen betroffen. Dieses Briefingpapier empfiehlt konkrete Maßnahmen für ihre Inklusion im Rahmen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Humanitären Hilfe, damit die Diskriminierung von Menschen mit Behinderungen weltweit beendet werden kann.


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN)

UN Tax Convention negotiations is a historic opportunity to reform the broken international tax system

The leadership of the Group of African States in establishing a UN process towards a legally binding convention on international tax cooperation has meant that for the first time in history, all governments of the world are negotiating on issues of international tax on equal footing. It is a historic opportunity for governments to make progress on addressing an outdated international tax system leading to hundreds of billions of dollars in lost public revenue.

Outside view by Pooja Rangaprasad


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN)

Debt Sustainability is Essential to Achieving Global Climate Justice

Countries that have contributed the least to global emissions face a critical challenge of addressing climate impacts amid tightening financial constraints. Over 50% of low-income countries are in or on the brink of debt distress. With many lacking adequate resources to adapt to climate impacts, developing nations are increasingly ensnared in the climate debt trap. Escaping this cycle requires more than domestic policy measures; it demands systemic multilateral solutions for global climate justice.

Outside view by Natalia Alayza & Carolyn Neunuebel


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside view (EN)

The fight for climate justice of four Indonesians who filed a climate lawsuit in Switzerland

Parid Ridwanuddin & Yvan Maillard-Ardenti © private / Gaetan Bally

Four residents of the Indonesian island Pari, whose existence is under threat, are taking the Swiss cement company Holcim to court. They are demanding compensation for climate damages they have suffered, a financial contribution to flood–protection measures, as well as the rapid reduction of Holcim’s CO2 emissions.

Outside View by Parid Ridwanuddin & Yvan Maillard-Ardenti


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside view (EN)

How INGOs and Social Entrepreneurs Collaborate to Transform Global Development

Georg Schön © Ashoka

There is a largely untapped potential of collaborations between social entrepreneurs and big International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) to scale impact and drive systemic change. In Ashoka’s latest report, we argue that social entrepreneurship makes INGOs advance localization and decolonization. And that INGOs will only unleash its promise if they prioritize social innovation and build an organizational culture of innovation.

Outside View by Georg Schön


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN)

EIB Global: Development for profit or people?

Frank Vanaerschot © private

The European Investment Bank has launched EIB Global, a new branch to spearhead development investments in the Global South. Yet the bank has a terrible track record of supporting projects which spark human rights violations while providing only negligible benefits to local communities. EIB Global must eradicate these abuses and put people above investor profits.

Outside View by Frank Vanaerschot


Kommentar der Anderen (EN)

The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations: NGOs on the frontlines of collective action

Nishanie Jayamaha, Amir Khouzam © private

Severe drought in the Horn of Africa; heat waves and drought in Europe; floods in South Korea, India and Australia, flash floods in Colombia and Senegal; record tornadoes/cyclones in the US and Mozambique … and the list goes on. As humanitarians, we see the consequences of the climate crisis in our daily work. The Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations aims to guide and galvanize our collective efforts to address this crisis

A comment by Amir Khouzam & Nishanie Jayamaha


Kommentar der Anderen | Outisde View (EN)

The global corporate tax deal – an African perspective

Luckystar Miyandazi, Orria Goni © private

Changing attitudes towards taxation can only happen if citizens are engaged in shaping tax policy making and if tax systems are seen to be equitable, including appropriate taxation of large corporations as well as linking tax revenues to development outcomes like improved infrastructure, healthcare and education

Outside View by Luckystar Miyandazi & Orria Goni1


Report (EN)

Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2021


The Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2021 was released by the United Nations to highlight the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global macroeconomic context and its effects on sustainable development. This report addresses the economic impact that the COVID-19 crisis had on a global scale, especially on developing countries. It provides updates on how the pandemic has affected the financial sector and suggestions for actions that must be taken in response to the current crisis, pandemic, and climate risks.


Report (EN)

Working together to achieve the Paris climate goals and sustainable development

Screenshot / German Development Institute

The German Development Institute released a report on the climate change and sustainable development to reveal how the two are interconnected. Since the Paris Climate Agreement was ratified in 2016, this report presents the progress made towards achieving the climate goals to maintain an average global temperature below 2°C, and preferably below 1.5°C, with net-zero emissions by 2050. The framework for the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals is dependent on a stable climate system which is why it is important to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.


Report (EN)

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021

Screenshot / United Nations

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021 was released by the United Nations through the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The report provides an overview of the current state of the 17 SDGs and the progress made towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Within the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused adverse effects on the advancements of the SDGs. The pandemic has disproportionately affected the poorest people in the world and continues to hurt those living in the least developed countries by exposing their inequalities.


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN)

Another squandered year? The role of the EU in the upcoming negotiations for a UN binding treaty on business and human rights

Jill McArdle © private

With the 7th round of negotiations on the UN binding treaty on its way, we look at the 3rd draft and what it says about the treaty process. With little change from the last version of the treaty, there is no excuse for states not to dig in and start negotiating seriously. Yet shamefully the EU still won’t be at the table. This next year will be decisive for the EU: with a regional law on corporate accountability on its way, they need to step up and get ready to finally engage in negotiations.

Outside View by Jill McArdle


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN)

EU’s response to COVID-19: Not the moment to play ‘hide and seek’ with the SDGs

The COVID-19 crisis is reversing progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While the virus has impacted everyone, developing countries are the worst affected. The 2030 Agenda is about achieving 17 transformational goals to reduce poverty and inequality globally, but the EUs response to the pandemic seems not to have been designed with this in mind. It is key that COVID-19 recovery plans are aligned with the SDGs. But what are the first steps the EU should take to put the 2030 Agenda at the centre of efforts to recover from the COVID-19 crisis?

Outside View by Alexandra Rosen


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN)

New rules on reporting debt relief as aid lack credibility and signal a decline in the OECD’s statistical culture

Hedwig Riegler © privat

The traditional measure of foreign aid is “official development assistance” (ODA). Figures on ODA have been compiled by the OECD since 1969, based on annual reports from members of its Development Assistance Committee (DAC), a club of aid donor countries. ODA figures have been of fundamental importance in tracking global aid efforts and fulfilment of aid pledges, including against the United Nations target of raising aid to 0.7% of rich countries’ national income.

Outside View by Hedwig Riegler


Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN)

COVID-19 Response: Is the World Bank right about not suspending debt service payments of developing countries? A Pro & Contra

The COVID-19-pandemic and its social and economic consequences are hitting developing countries particularly hard. Many of these countries are heavily in debt and lack the financial resources to address the crisis effectively. Nevertheless, the World Bank has so far been reluctant to suspend debt service payments of developing countries, which would free up much-needed resources. While some experts argue that this is justified since suspending debts would jeopardize the World Bank’s financing model, others criticize the Bank for getting priorities wrong. The following Pro & Contra summarizes the most important arguments of both sides.

A Pro & Contra by Scott Morris and Iolanda Fresnillo


Report (EN)

European Environment State and Outlook 2020 Report

European Environment Agency

According to the European Environment State and Outlook 2020, European Union Member States are currently facing environmental challenges on a substantially larger scale than ever before. They require immediate action from policy makers, large companies and the public.


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