
Das Veranstaltungsprogramm der AG Globale Verantwortung im Überblick.

Humanitarian Quickie (EN)

Linking humanitarian and development efforts in response to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Niger

© Globale Verantwortung

26.09.2024 | 11:30 – 12:30 UTC+2 (Austrian time) | online

The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) explicitly states that the human right to health includes women’s sexual and reproductive health. Habib Boukar Attifa will provide practical insights into the positive impact of easily accessible information on SRHR, the challenges of dealing with cultural norms, and how SRHR can be mainstreamed into humanitarian and development programming.


Workshop (EN)

Anti-colonial approaches to Humanitarian Assistance – what locally led should actually mean

© Globale Verantwortung

03.10.2024 | 09:00 – 16:30 | Sargfabrik, Goldschlagstraße 169, 1140 Vienna

Neo-colonial legacies manifest themselves as systemic inequalities in the humanitarian sector. What we can do to make the humanitarian sector more inclusive and locally led, and how can we shift power by shifting control from centralised organisational decision-making in the Global North to a more dispersed set of actors?


Austausch (DE/EN)

Projekte barrierefrei gestalten

© Globale Verantwortung

16.10.2024 | 09:30- 14:30 | C3 – Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung Sensengasse 3, 1090 Wien

Der Austausch der AG Inklusion & Entwicklung zielt darauf ab, Menschen mit Behinderungen in die Planung, Implementierung und das Monitoring von Projekten einzubeziehen, um ihre Bedürfnisse und Perspektiven angemessen zu berücksichtigen.


Online Training (EN)

Integrity, corruption and accountability in humanitarian assistance

© Globale Verantwortung

5, 7, 12 & 14 November 2024 | 10:00 – 11:30 | online (MS Teams)

Most NGOs in humanitarian aid and development cooperation have strict standards, guidelines and codes of conduct to mitigate corruption risks however, continuous efforts need to be made to strengthen integrity, accountability and anti-corruption strategies. Four online sessions in November with global health specialist Sarah Steingrüber.


Workshop (EN)

How to apply Systems Thinking in development cooperation

© Globale Verantwortung

19.11.2024 | 09:00 – 17:00  | Imhinterhaus, Schottenfeldgasse 12/6, 1070 Vienna

NGOs trying to address huge problems with limited resources find themselves in a consant cycle of reacting to immediate crises in fragmented ways. Systems Thinking helps to move away from conventional project design an implementation.


© Globale Verantwortung