Violations of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are common and are justified by patriarchal needs of control over women’s bodies that are deeply rooted in beliefs and social values. Early marriage and pregnancy, repeated pregnancies at close intervals, can have a devastating impact on women’s health, sometimes with fatal consequences.

In cooperation with THE RAIN WORKERS

THE RAIN WORKERS educate men and women, girls and boys, about their bodies, maintaining sexual health and genital function, and the effects of fertility in the local languages in a culturally sensitive way that is easy to understand. They go to villages, schools and universities, health facilities and speak to young people and adults in communities.

Habib Boukar Attifa is the coordinator of the Action contre la Secheresse / Lutte contra la Pauvrréte et la Migration Clandenstine (ACS/LUCPAMIC) consortium in the West African country Niger. He has trained 23 RAIN WORKERS and works with them around his himetown Zinder. He will provide practical insights into the positive impact of easily accessible information on SRHR, the challenges of dealing with cultural norms, and how SRHR can be mainstreamed into humanitarian and development programming.


Bitte warten…

A Humanitarian Quickie is a basic 60 minutes online session comprising an experts’ input, Questions and Answers, peer-exchange and debate. The individual sessions are intended to give interested staff in the member organizations of GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY – Austrian Platform for development and humanitarian aid and their partner organizations a rough overview of the respective topic. They can be attended independently of each other.