Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklung und Humanitäre Hilfe
Conference of INGOs of the Council of EuropeCode of Good Practise for civil participation in decision-making process
Janus, Heiner / Stephan Klingebiel / Sebastian Paulo, Deutsches Institut für EntwicklungspolitikBeyond Aid und die Zukunft der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
CIVICUSGlobal Trends on Civil Society Restrictions. Mounting Restrictions on Civils Society: The Gap Between Rhetoric And Reality
CIDSE und Act Alliance
Space for Civil Society How to Protect and Expand an Enabling Environment
EADI et al.Legal Frameworks and Political Space for Non-Governmental Organisations:An Overview of Six Countries: Phase I
EADI et al.Legal Frameworks and Political Space for Non-Governmental Organisations:An Overview of Six Countries: Phase II