Blog series on exit strategies

Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Secretary General and CEO of CIVICUS
From development information to a data revolution

Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Secretary General and CEO of CIVICUS
Put People Power Back at Centre of Citizen Action

Eric G. Postel, USAID
Financing the future: Why domestic revenue mobilisation belongs on the post-2015 development agenda

Justin Kilcullen, former CONCORD President
Reflections on the Mexico High Level development forum

Sabine Terlecki, CONCORD Head of Policy and Advocacy
Post Mexico – All questions answered?

Nerea Craviotto, Lead Advocacy Co-ordinator with AWID‘s Economic Justice team
Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation: A feminist perspective

Justin Sandefur, Center for Global Development
The Parable of the Visiting Impact Evaluation Expert

Ann K. Emery, Evaluation, data analysis, + dataviz
New-Ish Charts for Evaluation

Richard Ssewakiryanga, CSO Partnership for
Development Effectiveness

Civil Society and the Global Partnership – Reflections
ahead of Mexico


Emele Duituturaga, PIANGO

Busan Commitments: A Flickering Flame

Duncan Green, Oxfam

The Aid trilemma: are complexity, scale and measurability mutually